What's the answer in Iredell and surrounding counties where the prisons are becoming too small, where nearly 80% of local arrests are drug related, and where two-thirds of over 500 reported drug overdoses are men? One of the primary needs expressed by those actively at work in recovery and re-entry efforts locally is...HOUSING!
The Foundry House in Statesville, NC is preparing to open for the purpose of allowing 10 recently incarcerated men due to drug related charges to become residents in a sober living facility as they transition into active recovery, healthy relationships, and meaningful employment. Men are being released daily to become our neighbors and need a place of healing and opportunity to break the cycle of recidivism and poverty.
The Foundry House is an 8-12 month residential Christ-centered recovery program that gives men healthy accountability while walking a path of recovery, life-giving relationships, livable-wage employment opportunities, mentoring and financial coaching all while preparing for a life of sober and independent living. This is a unique and holistic approach to restoring men's lives spiritually, emotionally, socially, and vocationally!
The property and house has been purchased by The Foundry of Hope, Inc. and is currently accepting applications by contacting TheFoundryHouseStatesville@gmail.com.
Contact us to get involved as we prepare to open this house!
Give financially sponsor a man's recovery journey during the first 45 days. Giving covers cost of basic items, food, curriculum, etc. as he spends time focusing only on his recovery in Phase I.
Serve in property management, offer skilled labor in the house, and help at various awareness and fundraising events.
Tell others about The Foundry House.
Pray for the men this house will serve as applications begin to be submitted.
Copyright © 2018 Foundry of Hope, Inc - All Rights Reserved.